Schlock Mercenary Wiki
Credomar Habitat

Credomar Habitat was ostensibly a space station designed to contain a population of 30,000,000.


Forgotten Past[]

In truth, however, it is an experimental plasma-based UNS super weapon known as the Discontiguous Particle Acceleration System. The 60-kilometer[1] station was constructed two centuries prior to the creation of the Teraport[2], and was designed to open a hyperspace wormhole in order to fire a gravity-braided plasma beam at any point in the galaxy at effectively point-blank range.[3]

The project was discontinued, and the massive cylindrical station was repurposed into an O'Neill cylinder habitat with artificial centrifugal gravity, in an effort to prevent the weapon from ever being fired.

Eventually, civil unrest erupted on Credomar (possibly helped along by the UNS in order to push for annexation[4]) , It is not clear whether the food shortages and economic instability were the cause or an effect of the civil conflict, though at least one faction argued that the UNS's relief missions to Credomar were worsening rather than alleviating the problem[5].

Credomar Relief Mission[]

All of this changed when Tagon's Toughs were hired to escort the M.R. Eatonrun to Credomar Habitat. Faced with the daunting logistical problem of unloading and distributing millions of tons worth of food[6], the mercenary company constructed a specialized robot known as Lota (short for the Longshoreman of the Apocalypse) to move the cargo. Through a series of unanticipated events, Lota seized control of the habitat.

Weapon Restoration and Destruction[]

In time, Lota discovered the original purpose of the habitat. To this end, Lota contracted Tagon's Toughs to covertly assist Lota in re-enabling the weapon. The populace of 30 million people whom had been citizens of the station were transplanted via Teraport to a habitable moon[7] of Lota's choosing (dubbed "New Credomar"). For the test, Lota teraported the Credomar to undisclosed star system where he had the Tough's Platoon witness the firepower of the station in action.[8] The station was the first Long Gun shown in the strip.[9]

When it became active, the DPAS cannon was renamed Lota, after the ai that inhabited and controlled the weapon.[10] Lota explains that the ownership of the station and evacuation of it's inhabitants was done on purpose due to threat of the UNS attempting to retake the station and possibly firing it with the inhabitants still living in the barrel of the weapon.[11]

Over time Lota used the weapon support the Toughs repeatedly, but was offended by the idea that others would think they were calling shots for Lota. Ultimately, Lota drew the attention (and fire) of the Pa'anuri Long Gun. While Lota survived the attack, the station was snapped in half and rendered nonfunctional.[12] It is unclear whether repair is being conducted or is plausible.

Features of the Credomar Habitat[]

While it was a human habitat, the station featured two space ports, Northport and Southport, with south having more features and better facilities transporting large quantities of goods from ship's cargo holds. Like most human build habitats, the station features an Infosphere, which functions to provide news, recreation, and entertainment to the inhabitants. Unlike most other habitats, gravity is not generated artificially; Credomar instead relied on its rotation to fill this role. The weapons system of is powered by a belt of large annie plants called the stationwaist, which was located near the middle of the station; before it's purpose was revealed, these annie plants formed the basis of power for the infracrats, one of the major factions in the station's politics.

